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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Eileen Turvey
Marcel and Marilyn Casavant posted a condolence
Monday, August 7, 2023
Dear Harold and family, We were so sad to hear of Eileen's passing. We are so happy we had the opportunity to visit with both of you last summer. We will never forget Eileen's love of life and all the Amway days we spent together.
Marilyn and Marcel Casavant
Brenda Waldron posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
My sincere condolences to all of Eileen's family, friends and community
Gil and Peggie Plamondon posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
We shared grandkids with you and are thankful of all the many kindnesses and your time and attention you gave freely to them,
You will be so missed Eileen.
Nicole Plamondon posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
I remember the very first time that Eileen welcomed me into her home. She ushered me in with no fuss and no fanfare - instantly treating me like I was just another member of the family. I asked if I could help in the kitchen, and she handed me a potato peeler as if we had done this a thousand times before. She chatted away happily while preparing family dinner for everyone (and it only took her a quick glance at my potato peeling skills before I was gently invited to sit down and visit instead).
The food was delicious, the atmosphere was warm, and the company was excellent. I remember looking around and thinking that Tanya was raised in a lovely home, and that it was abundantly clear where she had learned to be such an excellent and gracious host.
I enjoyed that hospitality many times over throughout the years, either from Eileen herself or via Tanya welcoming me for a visit with a big hug and a favourite snack or dessert. No matter how much time passes, I will remember Eileen fondly whenever I watch Tanya cooking up a storm in the kitchen, preparing a family meal for the people she loves most in the world.
Great Mothers really do make Great Mothers, and Eileen will certainly be dearly missed. Our sincerest condolences to the entire family for your loss.
-Nicole & Family
Barbara/John Snider posted a condolence
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Eileen has always been a part of my life. So many memories of Eileen, Marilyn and myself growing up. Of all the cousins we shared together, for me, Mel, Eileen & Marilyn were THEE COUSINS to go and visit.
I remember when Harold and Eileen started dating and how excited she would be when she was getting ready to go out with him. I am so glad she "kept" him!
Eileen's greatest legacy is family. Family above all was important to her. I was so very touched when Harold & Eileen came to Kaitlin's and Kyle's wedding, and we were able to reconnect. I will always treasure that time together and the short time we spent together in August of 2022. I wish we had had more time together.
With Love Barbara (Newsted) & John Snider
Cathy Cornet posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
My deepest condolences Warren and family.
Sharon Napper posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
So sorry to hear about Eileen’s passing. My deepest condolences to you Harold and your family
Cherry Touchings posted a condolence
Monday, July 10, 2023
Sincere Sympathy to all of Eileen’s family.
May the precious memories she leaves you with
bring comfort during these difficult days.
My thoughts are with you, Cherry Touchings nee
Carolyn Harris posted a condolence
Friday, July 7, 2023
Our deepest condolences and sympathy to you and your family, Tanya.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you at this time.
Thinking of you.
From Glen and Carolyn Harris
Dianne Balfour posted a condolence
Thursday, July 6, 2023
I have known Eileen for over 35 years.I enjoyed every one of your visits,we shared a lot of stories, laughed a lot and even cried together.She was the nicest person, I’ll treasure our friendship.I love and will miss you Eileen, Rest in peace , your friend Dianne Balfour
Sandra Tremmel posted a condolence
Thursday, July 6, 2023
Sending to each and everyone heartfelt condolences.
Sandra Tremmel nee Faber
Marcia Day posted a condolence
Thursday, July 6, 2023
My memories of Eileen are all about hockey. The watching, cheering, all the anticipation! She loved her family and supports all the events the kids played. What a wonderful lady!! I am so sorry for your loss and please know that you guys are thought of today and always!
Tanya Plamondon uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 5, 2023




+ 1
What can I say about our mom?
She was the best mom and grandma to our kids. Always willing to come stay with them when we needed a “break”. Even took Jenna in when she had the chicken pox as Ryder had pneumonia at the same time. I think mom regretted giving her a bell to ring however and maybe that bell was lost at some point during Jenna’s stay.
Mom was so silly. Said some pretty offside stuff which she’d follow with her “cackle” laugh and would laugh so hard at times she didn’t make a sound but had tears streaming down her face. I’m going to miss that laugh so very very much.
You taught me how to be a mom. I hope I am half the mom to my kids that you were to us.
One of our kids’ biggest fans in the stands at any and all sports. Took them when Jeremy and I couldn’t be in 3 places at once. Everyone knew grandma Eileen, Nelly, Farmer etc. She went by many names. And always cheered with a loud “YES YES YES” when our team and especially one of her kids scored. She followed my school sports as well. Every game. Every tournament. Mom and dad were there to drive, cheer, clean socks in hotel sinks and so many other things. She did NOT like my rugby career however. Too rough. But she still went.
There are so many more memories. I’m sure I will remember so much more to come. I am overwhelmed with her loss. The thought of never hearing her laugh, her voice on my answering machine…. “Hi dear”. And ended with “bye for now”. What I wouldn’t give to have one of those messages now.
The loss of her is devastating. We are all so broken. Lost. Empty.
We love you so very much. Always have. Always will.
Bye for now.
We love you more

A Memorial Tree was planted for Eileen Turvey
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at McCaw Funeral Service Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Eileen Turvey uploaded a photo
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

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Marilyn MacDuff posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Dear sister I will miss you so and have so many memories. When I was younger I couldn’t say your name so I called you Idy and everyone in the family followed suit.
I listened to so much late 50’s and early 60’s music I know it better than the 70’s music. We listened to that music together just recently at the Maidstone Hospital and you told me you remembered listening to it with Mel.
I was excited when you started dating Harold not only because he was a nice, good looking guy but he had horses for me to ride! I was so sad when you went off to school in Saskatoon but so excited when you came home, married Harold and lived 5 miles west of where you and Harold built your new house. I visited lots on the weekends and then you told me I was going to be an aunt and I was thrilled.
You were Maid of Honour at our wedding and Diane was the flower girl. I remember our many family Christmas’s together especially the one at Mel and Carol’s in Leduc.
We were pregnant together, you with Tanya and me with Chris. I remember laying on Mom and Dads bed on the farm and comparing bellies.
Bruce and I had so many good times with you and Harold. You and I “helped” to castrate calves while sitting in the back of the half ton drinking wine, swam off the boat at Lac Des Isles at dusk and had so many laughs on our many trips to Hawaii to name a few.
We had many good times in your pool and it was you, mom and I that went into the deep end with Cara when she was little and passed her among us until she was no longer afraid and took off swimming to the other end with her life jacket on.
I’ll miss your “good brown gravy” the way mom taught us and my phone calls to you for one of moms recipes that I misplaced.
I didn’t know it at the time but the day we spent together last July in the U of A emergency room will be a lasting memory. We had such a good talk that day while Harold and Bruce sat on the bench outside of the emergency entrance.
Rest in peace with the rest of our family Brent, Mel and Mom and Dad.
Love you more!
5101 - 50 Street
Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 0M2